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Stratagy Flash
Stratagy Flash is a stand-alone, solid-state voice processing system targeted for small office applications. Two models are available, the two-port configuration and the four-port configuration. Both are equipped with a flash memory cartridge that provides approximately four hours of voice storage.
Flash 2 - $750.00 Flash 4 - $900.00
Stratagy 6D
The Stratagy 6D comes standard with two voice ports to connect to the telephone system. These voice ports are built into a custom motherboard manufactured by Dialogic®, an Intel® Company. It has a standard voice storage capacity of 120 hours and the voice ports can be expanded to four or six ports.
Stratagy 24D The Stratagy 24D comes configured with 4 voice ports that are built into a custom motherboard manufactured by Dialogic, an Intel Company. Using additional voice boards, the voice ports can be expanded up to 24 ports. It provides the standard 120 hours of voice storage and fax back, fax on demand, and fax mail applications,
as an optional feature.
Stratagy 24D 4-port, 133 hours $1899.00
Stratagy 24 Plus The Stratagy 24 Plus is a desktop PC system with an Intel Pentium® 200 Mhz processor located on a SBC with passive backplane architecture. It has a voice storage capacity of 120 hours and the voice ports can be expanded to 24 ports. It comes complete with a VGA white monitor and keyboard. The Stratagy 24 Plus
includes fax back, fax on demand, and offers fax mail software applications as a standard feature.
Stratagy DK
The Stratagy DK integrates voice processing capabilities on a single PC-card, making it the simple, cost-effective solution. It has a voice storage capacity of 85 hours and the voice ports can be expanded to 8 ports.